Shattering Myths Archives
July, 2015

These archives have been edited to remove the top-of-the-hour newsbreak and the commercials. The resulting MP3 files are each about 37 minutes long.
Click on the number in the Hour column to hear that particular segment of the program.

Day Date Hour Description
Wednesday 1 1 News
  • Why hate speech is good and necessary when focused on doctrines and institutions that deceive and destroy
  • Why racism is always wrong
  • Why killing for any reason other than self-defense is always wrong
  • How Islam continues to bless mankind with its acts of terror, its murders of everyone who will not submit to Muhammad's moronic and immoral religion, its vile treatment of women, and its easily-disproved lies and accounts of creation.
Wednesday 1 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Thursday 2 1 Views On the News
  • Greece's economic collapse
  • How the economies of the U.S., Japan, and Canada are crumbling fast
  • Unmasking "The Religion of Peace"
Thursday 2 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Friday 3 1 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • Follow along with Yada, Kirk, and Scott! Click [here] to open the relevant chapter of "Questioning Paul". Then scroll down to page 44.

  • Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members. The focus of tonight's discussion is on
Friday 3 2 Exposing the Consequence of Islam
Monday 6 1 News
  • Shockingly, there was a report of Muslims slaughtering 44 other Muslims, this time in Jos, Nigeria.
  • Child brides are popular and encouraged in Islam.
  • Elsewhere, Afghan Muslims threw acid into the faces of schoolgirls because they had the gall to go to school.
  • New Zealand's new "Harmful Digital Communications Act", a law prohibiting citizens from criticizing someone's religion on the Internet, while meant to stop cyber-bullying, can easily be misused to clamp down of speaking the truth at all.
Monday 6 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Tuesday 7 1 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • This segment is a repeat of last Friday's 1st hour.
  • Follow along with Yada, Kirk, and Scott! Click [here] to open the relevant chapter of "Questioning Paul". If necessary, scroll down to page 44.
Tuesday 7 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • How the story of Noah serves as a dress rehearsal for the Covenant
  • The conditions for participating in Yahowah's family-oriented Covenant relationship
  • How the stubborn attitudes of entitlement prevalent among the populace in Greece today illustrates why dependence on the government is inappropriate in Yahowah's eyes, and why He disapproves of it so strongly that He made turning away from such behavior one of the five conditions of His Covenant
  • Historical reference to the last Caesar's actually being Roman Catholic Popes
  • Today's In Your Face Fact: There is not a single Roman Catholic in all of history who is going to spend eternity with Yahowah in Heaven. Not one.
  • Because Yahowah declared to Noah that He was establishing His Covenant with him and his sons, and because there is but one Covenant, and because Noah's sons went out into the whole known world at that time, Yahowah's family-oriented Covenant is offered to the whole world. It is not just for Abraham's seed. Think about that.
Wednesday 8 1 News
  • Audio is scratchy today; I don't know why.
  • Washington Post article that refers to "Bethlehem, West Bank" instead of "Bethlehem, Israel"
  • There is no historical connection between the Philistines of yesterday and those calling themselves Palestinians today. None.
  • Discussing prayer
  • Why Yahowah doesn't want to be worshipped
  • Why Yahowah does not want to be praised
  • Our inability to bench-press God
  • How Yahowah kneels down to lift us up
Wednesday 8 2 Who Is Yahowah?
Thursday 9 1 News
  • More on a Washington Post article that refers to "Bethlehem, West Bank" instead of "Bethlehem, Israel"
  • The subject of the article is a young Muslim woman whose last name is the Arabic transliteration of Mosheh, because the illiterate agent of evil known as Muhammad deliberately lied when he declared that Mosheh spoke for Allah and not for Yahowah.
  • A rather strong series of reminders that Yahowah never asks or encourages us to pray anywhere in His teachings
  • Prayer is a religious practice.
  • Routine prayer, such as Islam's morning prayers and the various chants of Christianity, are especially loathsome to Yahowah.
  • He declares through one of His prophets that the prayers of those who reject His teachings, i.e. His Torah, are an abomination to Him!
  • The article refers to the mythical race of people known as Palestinians. There is no such race. There never was any such race.
  • The truth of the matter is that every so-called Palestinian is actually an Arab. Every single one of them.
  • The nature of Political Correctness is that The Lie is promoted and The Truth is suppressed.
  • It is almost universally true that whenever armed Muslims encounter others who are prepared for them, they fail. That is, if the intended victim or group is armed and ready, the Muslims invariably get their asses handed to them. They have to ambush and murder unarmed, unsuspecting people in order to be successful. That is how sorry they are as "warriors".
  • And finally, Syria launched airstrikes against one of its own northern cities.
Thursday 9 2 Heavenly Matters
  • The similarities between Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" and Muhammad's rants
  • Hitler wrote, "What luck for rulers that men do not think!"
  • Yada: "If men and women would think, there would be no religions, no governments, no militaries, and no countries."
  • Yahowah, by giving to His children the entire universe, became infinitely richer.
  • Similarly, when we share what we have, we benefit accordingly.
  • When we are stingy and greedy, misery and deep dissatisfaction prevail.
  • If you're just willing to think, then you will come to see through the lies of Paul and you will able to break free from the chains of Christianity. Why? Because it is impossible to think, to use good judgment, and to accept Paul.
Friday 10 1 Shattering the Myth of Christianity
  • Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Family members JB and Larry. The focus of tonight's discussion is on why Yahowah's Teachings and Instructions, i.e. His Torah, cannot be considered or approached as laws or commandments. The discussion is about 1½ hours long.
  • Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Friday 10 2 Exposing the Consequence of Islam
  • Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold forbidden that which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
  • In other words, terrorize non-Muslims until they're humiliated and too frightened not to pay your extortion fees.

  • As of November 29, 2015, the links I had provided below so that you could read these passages for yourself have become broken. I can only guess that those who broke them have something to hide.

  • Khalid bin Al-Waheed (Muslim General, 632AD), from Al Tabari, Volume XI
  • "I call you to God and to Islam. If you respond to the call, then you are Muslims: You obtain the benefits they enjoy and take up the responsibilities they bear. If you refuse, then you must pay the Jizyah. If you refuse the Jizyah, I will bring against you tribes of people who are more eager for death than you are for life. We will then fight you until God decides between us and you."
  • Umar ibn al-Khattab during the conquest of al-Basrah (636 CE)
  • "Summon the people to God; those who respond to your call, accept it from them, but those who refuse must pay the poll tax out of humiliation and lowliness. If they refuse this, it is the sword without leniency. Fear God with regard to what you have been entrusted." (Bolding my own)
  • I cannot urge you strongly enough to read the entire story if you can find it in a form that has not been copy-edited by Islamists in an effort to confuse and obfuscate the simple truth about their way of life.
  • The Quran never once mentions loving Allah; it only demands the he be feared, that one submit themselves to him.
  • The Quran never once mentions loving one's neighbor or anyone who is not a Muslim. Not once. Ever.
  • Every time Allah's location is mentioned in the Quran and Hadith, he is in Hell. Every single time, without exception.
Monday 13 1 The Pope's "New Colonialism"
Monday 13 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • Paul's whole approach was that he alone stood for Yahowah and everyone else was out to enslave them.
  • He boasted that he heroically stood in the gap between those Judaizing disciples of Yaosha and the poor helpless souls following Paul, that he did not submit to them for even so much as a moment. Of course, he failed to mention that Yaosha's students never asked anyone to submit to them, ever.
  • Paul never quoted Yaosha, not even once, and he never accurately quoted the Torah, Prophets, and Writings.
Tuesday 14 1 U.S. President's Complete Capitulation To Iran
Tuesday 14 2 How Are We Going to Last Another 11 Years?
Wednesday 15 1 Greece Has Surrendered Its Sovereignty to the EU
Wednesday 15 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Thursday 16 1 The Decline of the Roman Economy
Thursday 16 2 The Importance of Yahowah's Name
Friday 17 1 Contrasting Yahowah's Words With Paul's
  • Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members.
  • Larry spoke about a video that provides fascinating evidence that the Hebrew words Yahowah chose to use actually match NASA's data.
  • Before watching the video, please read this document from JM, an anonymous sister.
  • The actual data itself may be found in Professor Haim Shore's book. It may downloaded free of charge here.
  • 22m45s - The discussion turned to the Yobel, using Shemoth / Names / Exodus 19 as the text.
  • Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Friday 17 2 The Consequence of Tolerating Islam

  • Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"

  • Discussion focuses on yesterday's murder of 4 unarmed U.S. Marines in Chattanooga, Tennessee, by a Muslim who was, of course, shouting about Allah's superiority.
  • Expectedly, U.S. President Obama, the FBI, and the news media claim that they cannot discern the Muslim's motive for murdering non-Muslims.
Monday 20 1 More On the Murdering Muslim of Chattanooga
Monday 20 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Tuesday 21 1 News
  • Taking media reporters and government officials to task for demanding that we tolerate Islam
  • A call for people to actually read the Quran so they can see for themselves how evil and war-mongering it is
  • "It is impossible to obtain and hold any position in the news media today without being Politically Correct." - Yada
Tuesday 21 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
Wednesday 22 1 News
  • Another report of mass murder by a lone Muslim, this time in Turkey
  • Why one has to be psychotic to accept and embrace Islam
  • About a video showing the torture and lynching of a 13-year-old boy in Bangladesh
  • Story about how police brutality in Texas has allegedly led to the questionable death of an African American woman
Wednesday 22 2 The Creation & History of the Roman Catholic Church
Thursday 23 1    2 News
  • Ongoing events in Greece
  • Yada provided a brief lesson in basic national economics and the need for individuals and corporations to take personal responsibility.
  • On the booming slave trade in Bangladesh and other predominantly Muslim countries
  • More on the increasing police misbehavior against American citizens
Friday 24 1 Dismantling the Vile Writings of Shaul / Paul
  • Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members.
  • Due to technical difficulties at the end, this audio file had to be pieced together at my end.
  • But fear not! For Larry turned our mourning into joy with a special prayer.
  • Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Friday 24 2 Exposing the Consequence of Islam

  • Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"

  • Today's discussion focused on the oldest fragments of the Koran that were allegedly discovered recently in England.
  • These parchments have been dated to years before Muhammad was even born. Wait. What? I think I smell a forgery buffet…
Monday 27 1 News
  • Satanic Temple's unveiling of controversial Baphomet Monument in Detroit met with protests
  • Ironically, the god of the mostly Christian protesters is the same spirit as the god of the Satanic Temple!
  • Knights Templar
  • Muslims enraged (surprise!)
Monday 27 2 Exposing Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • Yahowah allowed Halal ben Shakar (aka, Satan) to enter the Garden and to deceive Chawa.
  • It follows then that it is ridiculous for Christians to claim that He would not allow mankind to tamper with and corrupt His Word.
  • It is not our business to prevent others from behaving in oppostition to Yahowah's way.
  • How Paul's claim to be Yahowah's messenger to the uncircumcised proves that he was a liar—because Yahowah has made it clear that no uncircumcised man is acceptable to Him. Period.
  • Circumcision is the single sign of the Covenant.
Tuesday 28 1    2 Yahowah vs. Paul on Circumcision
  • Taking the lead from an email sent in by JB, the Administrator of the the Yada Yah Forums, Yada and Kirk hammer home the indisputable truth that circumcision is non-negotiable with regards to a male being allowed to participate in Yahowah's one and only family-oriented Covenant.
  • This is unusually rich stuff today, and you don't want to miss it.
Wednesday 29 1 Views on the News
  • On a report of a human sacrifice carried out in Nepal
  • Life in India is horrific for the impoverished, especially for their children.
  • Report that heroin use is up in the USA
  • A brief discussion about cannabis
Wednesday 29 2 Questioning Paul, the Liar Who Created Christianity
  • On homosexuality
  • In this brief part of the program, Yada presents a thoughtful, mature, and well-reasoned view towards homosexuality, as well as his opinions of those who publicly promote it and of those who publicly oppose it.

  • Galatians 2:7 (see Footnote below for the texts)
Thursday 30 1 News
  • On the Malaysian airliner that went missing last year
  • Yet another report of an American police officer employing deadly force without cause
  • Examining the alleged healing properties of cannabis, aka marijuana
  • Exposing the hypocrisy of the FCC for censoring "curse words" on NPR (National Public Radio), making it illegal to use 7 Really Naughty Words on the air
  • Allegedly, the FCC had this to say regarding the use on air of any of those 7 words.
Thursday 30 2 The Utter Hypocrisy of Christianity;
Paul's Repugnant "Gospel" of Uncircumcision
Friday 31 1 Shattering the Myth of Christianity
  • Yahowah, through His prophet Chabaquq / Habakkuk, warned us about Paul hundreds of years before the man was born.
  • In fact, Yahowah calls him by name in His warning!
  • Some of Paul's most egregious lies
  • The irrationalality of the knee-jerk reaction most Christians exhibit when confronted with these truths

  • Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members.
  • Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Friday 31 2 Exposing the Consequence of Islam

  • Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"

  • Mr. al Rassooli and Yada discussed the dissembling of the American news media and government speakers.
  • The ineffectual performance of America's military efforts in changing the political climate in Afghanistan.

YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew = יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah

Song / Mizmor / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Torah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's (YHWH in Paleo-Hebrew, 66x21) Torah (torah – teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful, beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb – transforming) the soul (nepesh – consciousness). Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth – restoring and eternal witness) is trustworthy and reliable ('aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy – easy for those who are receptive).

JB's EMail to Yada on Circumcision
Was listening to today's show and heard you and Kirk talking about Paul's view on circumcision. I thought it was interesting the way Paul uses the term, "the beneficial message of uncircumcision". I thought I would share with you a few notes from the show I did last year on circumcision.
In addition to looking up every instance of mul / circumcised, I looked up every instance of 'aral / uncircumcised (literally, having foreskin). The way 'aral is used is very telling as to how Yahowah sees uncircumcision.
In Names / Shemoth / Exodus 6:12 and 6:30, Moshe refers to his having a speech impediment as being of uncircumcised lips.
Called Out / Qara / Leviticus 19:23 - "And when you come into and enter the land, and plant all of the food trees, count as unharvestable (aral aralah - unacceptable for harvest, regard it literally as uncircumcised foreskin) its fruit for three years. It exists to you as uncircumcised (aral - forbidden), not to be eaten."
Yah Saves / Yahshayah / Isaiah 52:1 - "Awake, awake! Put on your strength, O Zion, put on your garments of splendour, O Yarushalaim, the set-apart city! For no more do the uncircumcised and the unclean come into you!"
Yah Lifts Up / Yermiyah / Jeremiah 6:10 - "See, their ear is uncircumcised (aral - the stubborn, unrepentant, unhearing, and unresponsive), and they are unable to listen. See, the word of Yahowah is a reproach to them; they do not delight in it."
God Strengthens / Yekhezkel / Ezekiel 28:10 - Yahowah tells the prince of Zor that he will suffer The Deaths (muth - deaths) of the Uncircumcised. There are two thoughts as to what this phrase means. One side has it that it means an ignoble death, while the other is persuaded that it means a physical and eternal death. Use of the plural form of muth would support the latter.
God Strengthens / Yekhezkel / Ezekiel 32:18 - "Son of man mourn and lament upon the multitude of Mizraim, and send her down, her and the daughters of the mighty nations, into the region below (tahti eretz - the lowest part, the region below the surface of the earth, the realm of the grave and death), descending (yarad - being lowered and brought down) to the pit (bor - hole or depression in the ground; a prison or dungeon; a pit in the ground for prisoners; death, as the figurative extension of a pit as a place of corruption).
"How are you more pleasant than others? Descend (yarad - be lowered and brought down) and lie down with the uncircumcised (aral - the stubborn, unrepentant, unhearing, and unresponsive)."
Yahowah uses uncircumcised 9 more times in this chapter, all of them in a derogatory way.
According to Yahowah, uncircumcision is far from a beneficial message. It is used almost exclusively as a derogatory term.

Galatians 2:7
But these, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcision, just as Peter to the circumcision…
Galatians 2:7 (Lexham English Bible)
“Contrariwise (tounantion – on the contrary), nevertheless (alla – however, notwithstanding the objection, exception, or restriction), having seen and perceived (horao – having looked at, having been aware of, and having looked at) that because (oti – namely for the reason) I have been believed (pisteuo – I have been convinced to faithfully give credence to, thereby I have been entrusted (in the perfect tense this occurred in the past producing the state which exists in the present, in the passive voice, Sha’ul had this done to him, and in the indicative mood, it actually occurred)) with the (to) healing message and beneficial messenger (euangelion) of the uncircumcised (tes akrobystia) inasmuch as (kathos – to the degree that and just as) Petros (Petros – rock or stone; typically transliterated “Peter;” the Greek equivalent of the Aramaic kephas) of the circumcised (tes peritome).”
Galatians 2:7 (Yada's amplified translation)

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