Shattering Myths Archives
August, 2013
These archives have been edited to remove the top-of-the-hour newsbreak and the commercials. The resulting MP3 files are each about 37 minutes long.
Click on the number in the Hour column to hear that particular segment of the program.
Day |
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Thursday |
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- The dishonest example of David Headley as a terrorist who was caught as a result of NSA spying on American citizens
- The American FBI has been guilty on more than one occasion of aiding and abetting terrorists, one of whom was even on their payroll (David Headley)
- The buying of Congressional votes by Department of Defense's contractors and industry leaders
Myths Addressed
- America's politicians are working for the good of the American people
- The NSA's spying programs have made Americans safer
Thursday |
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Yahowah's Shabbat (Sabbath) Names / Shemowth / Exodus 20:8,9
[click here to read it below]
- A character by character breakdown of the Hebrew word Shabbat
- The 2nd Instruction: Names / Shemowth / Exodus 20:12 [click here to read it below]
- The 2nd of Yahowah's 7 Instructions is the only one which names a benefit as the result of doing what is instructed
Myths Addressed
- God commanded us to honor our earthly parents
- We have to follow religious principles, rules, and traditions to earn acceptance with the Creator
- The "Holy Spirit" is a Male
Friday |
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- Muslim Nidal Malik Hassan, former U.S. Army officer and mass murderer, wrote a lengthy document detailing his devotion to fundamental Islam and its Sharia law and gave it to Fox News, but Fox News will not publish it
- Hassan has proudly and plainly proclaimed that the slaughter he perpetrated at U.S. Army Base Fort Hood 4 years ago was an act of Islamic jihad, but the U.S. government is spinning it as an act of "workplace violence" and not as an act of Islam's war against all who are not Muslim
- The families of Hassan's victims have received nothing from the government while Hassan has received over $300,000 in Army pay since his murder spree
- Fresh story from a major news media source (NYT?) which describes the U.S. invasion of Iraq and its bloody consequences as "10 years of progress"
- The number of civilians being tortured and murdered in Iraq has reached an all-time high since the U.S. invaded that country
- Mexican drug cartels are hiring former U.S. military personnel as hit men and tactical trainers
- Slave trading and the torture of slaves is alive and well in Saudi Arabia, as evidenced by recent events in Orange County, California involving a Saudi princess
Myths Addressed
- Terrorists are extremists who have corrupted Islam
- The news media is dedicated to independence and to the courageous discovery and presentation of truth
- U.S. military personnel are all heroes, genuine champions of decency, morality, and fairness
Friday |
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The 2nd Instruction: "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:12 [click here to read it below]
- Valuing the symbolism of our father and mother
- Superficial interpretations of Yahowah's instructions do not yield rational results
- In the Hebrew word for "father", ab—the very first word in the Hebrew language and which was depicted by a ram's head -
- and a home - —Yahowah is telling us that He, as our Father, has the authority and commitment to do whatever is required to bring us safely into His Family and presence
- The Hebrew word for "mother", em, was originally written using the ram's head -
- and the symbol for water - , the Hebrew letter mem, showing us that our spiritual Mother, the Set Apart Spirit, is the source of our life and cleansing
- "Salvation" / Hosha’ / Hosea 4:6—[read it here]—Yahowah's declaration regarding the fatal consequence of avoiding and rejecting knowledge and understanding
Myths Addressed
- The Set Apart Spirit is a male entity
- Yahowah's Instructions are Jewish
Monday |
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- A continuation of a story from Friday about a Muslim thug, a Saudi princess, who was arrested in California for practicing slavery (she was allowed to go free after posting a relatively microscopic bail)
- Saudi Arabia is the most savage country in the world, yet America dismisses that in order to have continued access to their oil
- U.S. Sec'y of State John Kerry's new "full agreement" with Pakistan, where the world's Islamic terrorist organizatons are developed, trained, and dispatched (fully funded by the Saud family, the governing family of Saudi Arabia)
- BBC report about the Boston Marathon bombers
- Muslims love to kill: it is fundamental to Islam
- "Undercover Mosque", an independent documentary film which presents recordings of actual teachings from Muslim clerics in Britain's mosques
Myths Addressed
- The U.S. government works on behalf of its citizens
- Terrorism and Islam have nothing in common
- Glenn - equated Isra'el with Muslim countries (Yada quickly pointed out the error of such crooked thinking)
Monday |
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The 3rd Instruction: "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:13 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Yada is reading from around the middle of page 90 on.
- A discussion of what this instruction is actually saying
- The Hebrew word for "killing" and the Hebrew word for "murder" are the same word
- Yahowah did not kill Cain for murdering Abel
- "Salvation" / Hosha’ / Hosea 4:6—[read it here]—Yahowah's declaration regarding the fatal consequence of avoiding and rejecting knowledge and understanding
- "Salvation" / Hosha’ / Hosea 4:7—[read it here]—Yahowah's further declaration regarding the fatal consequence of avoiding and rejecting knowledge and understanding
Myths Addressed
- The American military is killing for God's purposes
- The death penalty is God's commandment for murderers
- Being judgmental is evil
- Rejecting Yahowah and His Teachings, affects only the individual doing the rejecting
Tuesday |
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- Muslims murder bus passengers in Pakistan
- Muslims commit many more murders around the world in the name of Allah; this is the norm for Muhammad's Islam
- The Muslim world is playing the Americans for fools, and as a nation we're falling for it hook, line, and sinker
Myths Addressed
- Muslim terrorists use the Internet to communicate with one another
- The NSA is accomplishing something worthwhile for the American people
- Glenn - was being himself
Tuesday |
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- Yada took a few minutes to make it clear that he has no teaching and no doctrine
- Some of the evidence against Sha'ul of Tarsus
- Yahowah's testimony proves Him
- Immediately following His testimony concerning the Flood in Mesopotamia, Yahowah switched to the story of His establishing His family-oriented Covenant with Abram and Sarai (who became Abraham and Sarah)
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:10 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Larry is discussing the information on page 81.
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah abandoned all that He said and wrote, and He chose Sha'ul of Tarsus to preach a new way of salvation
- Mosheh was just really smart and imaginative; he didn't actually speak with the Creator
- The Flood was a worldwide event
- Larry - discussed Glenn's suspicions about Yada's motives and his prediction that Yada would become another Garner Ted Armstrong, then took over the program's host duties with Scott (GCNLive engineer) when Yada had to leave
Wednesday |
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- The hypocrisy of the U.S. laying moral dictates on other nations
- U.S. drones murder more Muslim terrorists overseas
- "The Great Plot of 2013" fiasco
- The idiocy of Major Hassan's court martial proceedings
- The U.S. government is able to declare that they've stopped all terrorist attacks in the U.S. simply by calling such attacks something else, such as "workplace violence"
Myths Addressed
- The U.S. government is interested in getting to the truth
- The USA has the right to murder people overseas without giving them due process
Wednesday |
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- The stunning success of's resonance with American Christians at large
The 3rd Instruction:
"You should not make a practice of killing."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:13 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Yada is reading from around the middle of page 90 on.
- Yahowah's military orders to Isra'el's soldiers to wipe out sinful nations was a one-time event: it is no longer in effect
The 4th Instruction:
"You should never commit adultery."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:14 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Yada is reading from page 94.
- This instruction is not about sex
The 5th Instruction:
"You should not make a habit of stealing."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:15 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Yada is reading from page 95.
The 6th Instruction:
"You should never respond and testify against your neighbor as a deceptive or misleading witness."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:16 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy from my site. Yada is reading from page 97.
Myths Addressed
- God makes a habit of killing men, women, and children
- God is against sex
Thursday |
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- Fox News report (among others) that CIA agents involved with the Benghazi attacks are being forced to sign more non-disclosure agreements
- A description of certain tenets of Islam
- The almost unbelievably evil nature of Islam's founder and "prophet", Muhammad
- American President Barack Hussein Obama deliberately lied to the American people, telling them that a movie trailer about Muhammad, made by an "extremist Christian", was responsible for the murders committed by Muslims at Benghazi
- Sound bytes promoting the President's lie
- The movie actually told the truth about Muhammad
- Report that a "secret DEA enforcement unit" is funnelling intercepts from wire taps, informants and a massive database of telephone records to law enforcement authorities across the nation to help them launch investigations against Americans
Myths Addressed
- One person's creative art justifies mass murders by religious mobs
- The U.S. government's spying on the American people is to protect them from terrorism
- Robyn - question about the Muslim religious rite of Ramadan
Thursday |
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The 6th Instruction:
"You should never respond and testify against your neighbor as a deceptive or misleading witness."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:16 [click here to read it below]
- You might want to follow along with this discussion on page 97 in Yada's free work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Click [here] to open or save a PDF copy.
- This instruction is about so much more than lying and perjury.
- We are not to mislead or deceive anyone.
- Misquoting or otherwise misrepresenting Yahowah's message is unforgiveable.
Myths Addressed
- Paul's letters are the inspired Word of God
- God has a church
- Yahowah is fond of the Christian church
Friday |
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- The American government's continuing attempts to provide justification for their spying on American citizens
- U.S. unmanned drones murder more civilians in Yemen
- The terrorism in Yemen is being perpetrated by the United States government and its military against Yemeni civilians
- More details about the DEA's secret enforcement unit (see yesterday's first hour) and how its activities spell the end of the United States of America as we know it
- The shutdown of two encrypted email providers because of the U.S. government's trampling of its own Consitution
- U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning was prosecuted for releasing a video showing that the U.S. military murdered Reuters reporters and Iraqi civilians
- The case of the Moroccan Muslim who received a royal pardon from the King of Morocco after he was convicted of raping 11 children, ages 4 to 15, because pedophilia is legal in Islam
Myths Addressed
- National security is the goal of the American government's spying activities against its own citizens
- American citizens are protected from illegal search and seizure by the U.S. government's compliance with the United States Constitution
- The American people can trust the judicial system to treat them fairly under the laws of the U.S. Constitution
- There is such a thing as "radical Islam"
- The Quran teaches high morality, decency, and peace
- Robyn - really bad connection, so her question could not be heard
Friday |
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- The answer to Robyn's question is, "No."
- Even though the Quran claims that it supports Yahowah's Torah, it actually opposes it time and again, going as far as to command Muslims to slaughter Yahowah's people without mercy
The 6th Instruction:
"You should never respond and testify against your neighbor as a deceptive or misleading witness."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:16 [click here to read it below with expanded Hebrew definitions]
- If you would like to follow along with this discussion, click [here] to open or save an absolutely free PDF copy of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Go to page 97. There is no form to fill out first. Just click and save/open.
- This instruction deals with rejecting politics and religion
- Leading others away from Yahowah through religion and/or politics will not be forgiven
The 7th Instruction:
"You should not ever desire your neighbor's house or family. You should never desire your neighbor's wife, nor
his male or female servants, his cattle or donkey, or anything which is associated with your neighbor."
— "Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:17 [click here to read it below with expanded Hebrew definitions]
- If you would like to follow along with this discussion, click [here] to open or save an absolutely free PDF copy of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah", Book 1, Chapter 4. Go to page 98. There is no form to fill out first. Just click and save/open.
- An explanation from Yahowah's mouth of the so-called tithe, about which Christians—especially their televangelists and salaried "pastors"—get so excited
- When Yada was speaking of the covetousness of religious and political leaders, I was reminded of something Ya'aqob wrote in the 3rd "chapter" of his letter:
- "Where do wars and fightings among you come from? Don't they come from your passions that are at war within you? You desire and don't have, so you murder. You covet and can't obtain, so you fight and make war."
- An in-depth word-by-word explanation of the 7th Instruction
- Yada addressed Lauren's remarks: you don't want to miss it.
- Explanation of the religion of Judaism
- Muhammad's Islam is based on ideas and stories he stole from the Babylonian Talmud
Myths Addressed
- The 6th Instruction commands us not to lie about someone
- The religion of Judaism is based on Yahowah's Torah
- The self-appointed "Apostle" Paul wrote Scripture
- Robyn - are there any Muslim holidays which corre-
spond to Yahowah's 7 Called Out Assembly Feasts?
- Sharon - asked about the tithe
- Lauren - postulated that Isra'el broke all of Yahowah's "commandments" when establishing itself as a nation in 1949
Monday |
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- The debates about Talk Radio
- How Sports Talk Radio programming is being used to replace programs which contain real food for thought
- Open letter from the creator of Lavabit (click [here] to read it yourself)
- Yada asked, "What have we—the American people—gained through the deaths of all the American military and other government personnel associated with our invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan?"
Myth Addressed
- Ed Snowden, Bradley Manning, and others like them are criminals and traitors
- Nick - questioned Ed Snowden's reasons for seeking asylum where he has
Monday |
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- From the 1st hour: Documentation revealing that the U.S. government has removed all references to Islam from its training and procedures manuals regarding terrorism, meaning that mosques are off limits to any and all investigations and surveillance
- article
- That article was picked up and carried by The Washington Times
- A wonderful explanation and examples of Yahowah's favorite equation: 6 + 1 = 7
- It starts in the Garden of Great Joy (Eden)
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- The history of the name, "Eve", and how that character became "the Holy Virgin" of the Roman Catholic Church
—starts around 30:27
- Are we interested in spending all eternity with the God found in the Garden of Great Joy?
- How the BaRe'shith (Genesis) record supports the archaeological evidence of evolution and of humans before Adam and Chawah
Myths Addressed
- The name of Adam's wife was Eve
- It is good to fear our Heavenly Father
- God wants to be known as "The Lord"
- The Father craves and demands our worship
- Adam and Chawah were the first human beings, or Homo Sapiens
Tuesday |
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- Revelation by U.S. Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, chief architect and moving force behind The Patriot Act, that the Obama Administration explicitly forbids surveillance activities in mosques and other Islamic-related locations
- Click [here] to read the Investor's Business Daily article (about the exclusion of mosques from U.S. government surveillance) on their web site
- Yada's personal research into terrorist activities since the formation of OPEC and how it proves that 99% of terrorist acts since that time have been committed by Muslims as acts of obedience to the Quran and Hadith of Islam (see his work, Prophet of Doom)
Myth Addressed
- The spying on America's citizens has helped foil terrorist plots
- Glenn - suggested that some who commit terrorist acts are only masquerading as Muslims
Tuesday |
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- A continuation of a discussion of the conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- The timeline of creation
- Academia is deliberately deceiving the world in order to undermine the credibility of Yahowah's Word
- How scientific findings exactly support the Torah's record of creation
- "In the Beginning" / BaRe'shith / Genesis 2:5
The criminal irresponsibility of translating the Hebrew word shiyach (שיח) as "shrub" rather than as "ponder"
Myths Addressed
- Adam and Chawah were the first humans
- Nothing ever died or decayed prior to the expulsion of Adam and Chawah from the Garden
Wednesday |
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- Saddening news from Egypt
- Yada: "We ought to stop rewarding terrorists."
- We ought to stop arming the enemies of Isra'el, God's people, because those weapons will surely be turned on Isra'el, and when they are, Yahowah will become angry and will despise the country (the USA) which em-
powered the enemies of His people
- A continuation of yesterday's discussion regarding U.S. Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, chief architect and moving force behind The Patriot Act
- If the USA is to be moral, then the NSA must be shut down
- Terrorists have not corrupted Islam. Islam has corrupted them.
Myths Addressed
- The American government is honest with its citizens
- The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan by American military forces has helped to bring peace and equality to that region and has made Americans safe from terrorists (Muslims)
Wednesday |
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- A continuation of a discussion regarding the conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- The record indicates that Yahowah blew lives (plural) into Adam's nostrils
- An in-depth look at the pictograph letters that make up the Creator's Name (
- A look at Yahowah's title, Elohim
- A better understanding of Yahosha's declaration that the Torah will remain intact and unchanged until all His prophecies have been fulfilled
- An in-depth look at the pictograph letters that make up Adam's name (
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- The union of our nepesh (consciousness) and nesamah (conscience) with our Spiritual Mother, the Ruach Qodesh, or "Set Apart Spirit"
Myths Addressed
- Only humans have souls
- Yahosha referred to "jots" and "tittles"
- It is evil to be judgmental
Thursday |
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- Yada: "Words—wisely wielded—provide the answer for everything that ails us."
- The death toll in Egypt from the government's military bulldozing the camps of the protesters is officially "at least 500"
- U.S. President Obama's declaration that if push comes to shove, he (i.e., the USA) will support the Muslims
- The 9th Surah from the Quran states that an agreement between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is not binding on the Muslim
- It is time for Americans and everyone else in the world to realize that the religious and political system that is Islam is at war with the rest of the world
- Quran-following Muslims will not stop killing non-
Muslims until everyone in the world is either Muslim, a Muslim's slave, or dead by beheading or crucifixion.
- The U.S. $98 Billion deficit for the month of July alone
- More than half of those Americans who are able to work are not working, but the Obama Administration is claiming that only 7% are unemployed
- Oprah Winfrey's tirade about racism in Europe
- The United States military, acting on orders from the Bush and Obama administrations, has destroyed Iraq and Afghanistan
- The USA is directly responsible for the deaths of hun-
dreds of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans
Myths Addressed
- Islam has made "many wonderful contributions" to the world throughout history (the reader is invited to give a single example of such a contribution by a Muslim)
- Abraham, Noah, and others from Yahowah's historical records, the Torah, were Muslims, and so their contributions to the world can be attributed to Islam
Thursday |
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- The U.S. military forces have directly and indirectly caused the deaths of over a million civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq, yet the American President was heard during the news cast declaring that we deplore the killing of civilians
- A continuation of a discussion regarding the conditions that existed in the Garden of Great Joy (Eden)
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- An invitation to learn and understand the terms and conditions of Yahowah's family-oriented Covenant, his ONLY Covenant, with mankind
- Yahowah's Lamb / Yōb / Job 32:8
"Indeed (‘aken – truly and surely) the Spirit (ruwach), She (hy’) in (ba) mortal man (‘enōsh – in the weak and frail, in humankind) and
the conscience (nesamah) of the Almighty (shadai), provides understanding and teaches them (byn – provides the ability for them to perceive
and discern so as to apprehend information, to be rational and judgmental)."
- The reason why The Abyss is called Shē'ōl (Questioning)
- The not so coincidental fact that Shӑ'ūl of Tarsus, who renamed himself "Paul, an apostle",
was prophesied by name and condemned hundreds of years before he was born (read that prophecy here)
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah wants us to fear Him and worship Him
- Paul was authorized by God to speak for Him
- Larry - took part in the discussion with Yada
Friday |
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The nesamah, or conscience: the fulcrum upon which everything else is written
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- The Politically Correct doctrine that it is evil to be discerning, to exercise good judgment, to make a difference between good and bad
- Yahowah's Lamb / Yōb / Job 32:8 -
- "Indeed (‘aken – truly and surely) the Spirit
(ruwach), She (hy’) in (ba) mortal man (‘enōsh – in the weak and frail, in
humankind) and the conscience (nesamah) of the Almighty
(shadai), provides understanding and teaches them (byn –
provides the ability for them to perceive and discern so as to apprehend information, to be rational and judgmental)."
- It is important to understand the words Yahowah chose to use
Myths Addressed
- Exercising one's ability to discern good and evil is bad
- Speaking the truth is unkind
- Eternal life will involve Thorazine Zombies for God floating around on clouds while tunelessly strumming little harps
Friday |
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Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- The "Day of Rage" in Egypt: Muslims killing other Muslims by the hundreds
- The hypocrisy of Muslims:
- On the one hand they holler about how honor-
able it is to die for Allah's cause
- On the other, they squeal and complain when Muslims who are trying to kill others get killed
- By the way, so you don't forget it, "Allah's cause" is simply this: if it isn't Muslim, kill it or subject it to slavery
- Islamic leaders proclaim that the reason they will domi-
nate the world is that they do not fear death as do those who are not Muslim
- Quotes from the video exposé, "Undercover Mosque", which demonstrate irrefutably that Muslim clerics are teaching Muslims worldwide
- To kill all non-Muslims who will not subject themselves to Muslim rule
- That women are less intelligent than men
- That the Muslim who murders non-Muslims is a hero of Islam
- The use of preteens for sexual purposes is authorized and encouraged in Islam
- The Quran and the Hadith are equally authoritative in Islam
- It is legal to say in a mosque what it is illegal to say everywhere else in the civilized world
Myths Addressed
- It is possible to successfully negotiate an honest treaty with a Muslim
- Those who expose Islam as murderous filth are hateful
- Glenn - called in, spoke things unfit for broadcast or attention, and was disconnected for his trouble
Monday |
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- Report that Glenn Greenwald's partner was abused by UK authorities at airport because of his association with Greenwald, who was the first to reveal the NSA's crimi-
nal activities against the American people
- The U.S. imprisons more of its citizens than any other country in the world
- More Egyptians murdered by other Muslims
- Harvesting organs from unwilling, living victims is now big business in the Islamic world
- A reiteration of the fact that since Muhammad could not Muslims anything to live for, he gave them a reason to die: jihad
- The NSA violated the privacy rules protecting com-
munications between Americans (and others) on domestic soil 2,776 times over a one year period according an internal audit leaked by Ed Snowden over a month ago
Myths Addressed
- It is all right for the American government to spy on its own citizens
- Hillary Rodham Clinton has accomplishments which qualify her for the Presidency of the United States of America
- The USA can resolve the problems in Islamic countries by arming one side or the other
Monday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. See page 11.
- A brief review of what our conscience (nesamah) is
- Yahowah established the Garden in great joy (Hebrew Eden) so that we could be established and stand with Him
- On those who choose to be apathetic dimwits
- A closer look into what Yahowah's Covenant and Feasts are all about
- Those who seek salvation before forming a relationship will find neither
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah's Name is "The Lord"
- If we will just believe on the name of "the Lord Jesus Christ" we will be saved
Tuesday |
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- On the murder of an Oklahoma man by 3 bored teenagers and the connection to 1st person shooter games
- The Muslim group Hamas, being "starved for funds", seeks to reestablish ties with richer Islamic nations
- The 53 poorest countries in the world are all under Islamic rule. Hmmm. What does that tell us?
- The prosperous Islamic nations are those which sit atop oil (OPEC), for they can charge exorbitant fees to those businesses which want to extract their oil and export it
- Those Islamic nations which do not sit atop oil are impoverished because Islam discourages work, encouraging instead slavery, conquest through ambush and terrorism, and taxation of conquered subjects, and that crap doesn't fly so well in today's civilized world
- Those who refuse to recognize that Islam is the single greatest threat to world peace will be taken completely by surprise when WWIII breaks out:
- Remember that Yahosha declared, "When they shall say, 'Peace and safety', then sudden destruction shall come upon them."
Myths Addressed
- There is a race of Palestinian people
- Bullets and bombs are the answer to the tactic of terrorism
Tuesday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document. See page 11.
- Abraham ("exalted father") and Sarah ("wrestles, strives, contends"), the names of the Covenant's first parti-
cipants, indicate the kind of give-and-take relationship Yahowah wants to have with us
- Barak, the Hebrew word most often translated as "blessed", is actually better translated as "knelt down to bless and lift up", as a father kneels down to help his child stand
- Yahowah promises in Yashayahu 51 that, when He returns on the Day of Reconciliations (Yom Kippurim) in 2033, He is going to restore the world to the conditions which existed in the Garden of Eden
- A brief discussion about the meaning of "Zionist"
- Considering the excitement we'll experience as we watch Yahowah create a new universe
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah wants us to fear Him and worship Him
- God demands that we prostrate ourselves before Him out of "reverential respect"
- Larry - took part in the discussion with Yada and Scott, the program's audio engineer and producer
- BUSTED! Like Larry, I confess to being one of those who is so slow of mind that I usually have to wait until someone else, such as Yada, figures something out and explains it. Then I can go look at it myself and exclaim, "Of course! Why didn't I see that before?!"
Wednesday |
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- Ignoring Major Hassan's confession that he gunned down multiple unarmed American military personnel in the name of Allah, the U.S. government is insisting that the killer just "went postal" and is treating his crime as "workplace violence" rather than as an act of terrorism
- On the reported use of rocket-launched chemical weapons (Sarin gas) in Damascus which has killed over 1,300 men, women, and children
- Who perpetrated the attack in Damascus and why?
- Revelation that the NSA is able to spy on 75% of all U.S. Internet traffic in real time
- The terrorist cauldrons of the world—the mosques of the Muslims—are exempt from the spying activities of the anti-American U.S. federal government
- There is hope for us individually in Yahowah's Covenant, but there is no hope whatsoever for America unless the majority of its citizens embrace that family-oriented Covenant—not a likely scenario at all
Myths Addressed
- We should trust our elected politicians to guard our freedoms and protect our interests
- The military is the answer to our problems
- The members of America's armed forces are heroes
- America can be saved and restored to its former power and glory
- Robyn - commented on the militarization of our police forces and other crimes against the American people, citing for those interested in learning more
Wednesday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- A continuation of our examination of "Salvation is of Yah" / Yashayahu / Isaiah 51
- Life with Yahowah during His Millenial Reign will be as it was in Eden
- Clarifying the differences between Yahowah's ways and man's
- A description of the world's conditions as a result of man's actions and nature's calamities during the Tribulation
Myths Addressed
- A person gets into Heaven through faith in "the Lord Jesus Christ"
- "Holy Bibles" are trustworthy and accurate translations of the Covenant Scriptures
- No one can possibly know when Yahowah is returning
- We need clerics to explain Yahowah's Word to us
Thursday |
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- More on the horrendous slaughter of civilians in Da-
mascus, Syria, where sarin gas was delivered by way of rocket
- CNN referred to as "activists" Muslims such as those who beheaded 3 Catholic priests who protested the rape of their nuns, those who routinely murder women and children, and those who cut out and eat the hearts of their victims
- On Russia's and China's economic interests in Iran and, therefore, in Iran's ally, Syria
- The sentencing to 35 years in federal prison of U.S. Army PFC Bradley Manning, who has subsequently announced (reportedly) that he wants to be transgendered
Myths Addressed
- One side is better than the other in the Muslim-against-Muslim violence going down in Syria
- Democracy is the best thing since peanut butter
- The United States of America is doing an exemplary job of protecting the whole world because of its high moral character and rock-solid commitment to truth
Thursday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Yahowah tells us that He established and placed the Garden of Eden into the wild and violent world of that time
- He further states that he took Adam and placed him into the Garden; He does not tell us that He created Adam in the Garden of Eden
- God says that He blew the breath of lives (not "life") into Adam
- Yahowah planted the Tree of Lives (not Life) in the center of the Garden
- Our Heavenly Father grows through loving family relationships
- The full cycle of life and death was in operation even in the Garden of Great Joy (Eden)
Myths Addressed
- The whole world was like the Garden of Eden before Adam and Chawah chose to disregard Yahowah's in-
structions: there was no violence, there was no sickness, and nothing ever died
- God created man in the Garden of Eden
- Yahowah is omnipresent
Friday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- How Yahowah tells us that if we want to know Him, we ought to consider His relationship with Abraham and Sarah ("Yah Saves" / Yashayahu / Isaiah 51:1 - see page 11 of the PDF document linked to above)
- A recap on the definition of Torah
- The secret of "Song" / Mizmowr / Psalm 119
- "In the Beginning" / BaRe'shyth / Genesis 2:9
- An in-depth, word-by-word analysis
- see page 17 of the PDF document
- How Yada got started on his journey of discovery about Yahowah's Name and His testimony
- The enormity of Christianity's lies and a plea for the listener to once and for all reject their religion
Myths Addressed
- Adam's wife was Eve
- God's Name is "The Lord"
- "Holy Bibles" are accurate and reliable translations of Yahowah's testimony
- There is a New Testament
- There is a "Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ"
- Paul was called by God to be His specially appointed envoy to the Gentiles
Friday |
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Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- 3 stories of murders committed by Muslims and how authorities and news agencies insist that the motives are unknown and mysterious
- A double homicide in New Jersey committed by a Muslim, who in accordance with the Quran's commandments beheaded his Christian victims and cut off their hands
- The case of Major Nidal Malik Hasan, the Muslim and U.S. Army psychologist who murdered 13 unarmed military personnel in Fort Hood, TX and who has proudly proclaimed that he did it in the name of Allah in accordance with the commands of Muhammad
- — The judge at Hasan's trial will not allow any reference to Islam!
- In just the past week at least 50 Christian churches and schools have been torched and burned in Egypt, nuns were paraded through the streets as if they were prisoners of war, and Copt Christians are being massacred in accordance with Muhammad's commands in his last "sermon"
- — 250 million people have been slaughtered by Muslims since Muhammad issued his command that Islam cannot exist with other religions
- Muslims have perpetrated the myth that Muslim and Arab are synonymous
- Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is not responsible for the sarin gas attacks on Syrian civilians
- — Yada opined that the United States of America was deeply involved in the grisly murders of those Syrian civilians because U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama wants to be a war-time president
Myths Addressed
- The motives of Muslims who are murdering non-Muslims are unknown
- Those who speak out against Islam are racists
- All Muslims are Arabs
Monday |
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- The Obama Administrations heinous lies surrounding the slaughter of 4 Americans in the American Consulate at Benghazi, Libya in 2012
- Suicides among American military veterans who have returned from duty in Muslim countries outnumber the Killed in Action deaths by a remarkable margin
- A significant majority of the suicides have left notes which reveal that the reason they mur-
dered themselves was this: their memories of the atrocities they witnessed—atrocities such as the raping of females of all ages, prosecution of the rape victim rather than of the rapist, the savage gang-raping of little boys, and the like, activities allowed and encouraged by the religion of Islam —and the knowledge that their own actions of military "service" helped strengthen the hands of the monsters perpetrating such unthinkable abominations—combined with the realization that everything they had been told and every- thing they had been taught by their parents, religious clerics,and government and military leaders was a huge lie to create a mental burden that was simply too much to deal with. They couldn't handle the problem because the solu- tion had been hidden from them by those they trusted. And that is very sad.
- The United States created and continues to arm its own worst enemy: the Mujahideen, "people doing jihad"
- Comments on a FoxNews article regarding conditions in Libya
Myths Addressed
- The U.S. government is focused on identifying and apprehending "terrorists"
- Our real enemy is Al-Qaeda
- The cause of 21st century terrorism is not Islam itself
- Nick - asked where Yahowah came from, was dissatisfied with Yahowah's own answer, and wanted to give his own opinion. Although Yada initially declined his offer, he did address it in the second hour.
Monday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Yada shared Nick's opinion regarding the origin of Yahowah Himself
- Genesis 2:9 (click to jump down to footnote)
- Yahowah's view of His Torah is that it's towb, "good"
- Paul's expressed opinion that Yah's Torah is a cruel taskmaster, therefore, is in direct conflict with Yah's opinion of it
- The benefits of participating with Yahowah according to His Family-Oriented Covenant contrasted with the con-
sequences of disregarding it (see Hosea 4:6 below)
Myths Addressed
- Yah's Torah is no longer relevant
- Faith in "the Lord Jesus Christ" is all one needs to ensure their acceptance into Heaven
Tuesday |
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- Reuters report that it is now certain that chemical weapons were used in Syria
- The improbability that Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is responsible for those attacks
- Why bombing and/or invading Syria would be grossly counterproductive for the USA
Myths Addressed
- Bullets and bombs are the answer to the problem of those who murder in the name of their religion
- World Wars I & II were fought to obtain and/or maintain freedom from tyranny
- Larry - participated with Yada in a discussion about today's topics
Tuesday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Yada presented his ideas on the methods governments use to keep their citizens in the dark regarding their true purposes and deeds:
- In totalitarian regimes, access to information is constrained, and what is available is usually stylized propaganda
- In "free" countries, in order to prevent people from being able to use good judgment and sound reasoning, the elitists have created the immoral code of Political Correctness
- An explanation of the yowbel (yo-BALE), one of the keys to understanding Yah's testimony and timing
- A discussion regarding the lineage of the Yahudim
Myth Addressed
- All true Yahudim are "black"
- Larry - continued to participate with Yada and callers
- Dwight - asked how to deal with the Black Hebrews cult
Wednesday |
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- On John Kerry's remarks characterizing as "obscene" the recent murders of several hundred in Syria by chemical weapons
- Yada wanted to know why Kerry thinks those murders were obscene, but the gruesome, stomach-churning tortures and beheadings captured on film (and posted on YouTube) by the Mujahideen, whom Kerry supports, are not obscene
- Scott asked, "Why are the Syrian murders obscene and the murders occurring daily in Chicago and Detroit and other American cities—both major and minor—are not?"
- Regarding the consequences of the U.S. and European arming of Muslims
- Nick's question generated a wonderful give-and-take between Yada and him regarding the history of Scripture, the prigin of names of deities, and the nature and pronunciation Yahowah's Name
Myths Addressed
- Bombs bring peace
- God's name is "Jehovah"
- The Son of God was named "Jesus"
- Nick - question about Jehovah's Witnesses
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- On Political Correctness and its deadly consequences to the citizenry
- Because of religion and politics, information and reason have given way to hope and faith
The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Genesis 2:9 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- What was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, really?
- Yada shared his personal opinion regarding what free will involves, on prayer, and on Yahowah's willingness or unwillingness to intervene in the lives of humankind
- I would like to point out that, since Yahowah does not even hear the prayers of the wicked, 99.99% of all prayers are never heard. Therefore, regarding those prayers, Yahowah is not faced with any decision at all regarding free will. However, since it is true that He makes a difference between those of us who are His people and those who are not His people, it is reasonable to expect that He hears our prayers and, like any father, deals with them on an individual basis with a view to enhancing our lives with His decision.
Consider the cases of Noah, Lot, Abraham, Dode, Shemu'el, and others who experienced His favor. Consider also the case of Nebudchadnezzar, who almost certainly did not wish to be stripped of his humanity and to become as a wild animal. It is Yah's right to do whatever He wants to do, and He does overrule free will when it suits His purposes to do so. His doing so does not make a mockery of His testimony at all.
Yada calls it as he sees it, and I call it as I see it. It is what it is.
Myths Addressed
- Political Correctness is loving and good
- Discernment and judgment are hateful
- Faith is sensible and godly
Thursday |
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- On U.S. President Barack Obama's declaration that the USA has concluded that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on its own citizenry
- Going to war with Syria would be a fatal mistake for the United States
- NY Times article which reports Russian claim that a sarin gas attack in Syria in March was probably carried out by insurgents using "cottage quality" sarin gas
- A discussion of what is really going on in Syria and what it means for us here in the USA
- A declaration of what all this posturing means for the nation of Israel: rocket-borne nerve gas attacks from Syria, giving the Israelis a life expectancy of just minutes after those missiles are launched
Myths Addressed
- It is in America's interests to battle "insurgents" and "terrorists" overseas
- It is all right for the USA to arm Israel's enemies
Thursday |
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- Yada continued the previous hour's exploration of what is going on in Syria and the plans of the Obama Administration to attack that nation
- A brief discussion about the religious doctrine of speaking in tongues
- The order of events suring the creation was addressed
Myths Addressed
- Those who speak in tongues are "speaking mysteries" and are speaking "the language of angels"
- There is a New Testament which replaced Yahowah's Covenant, the so-called "Old Testament"
- Al - on speaking in tongues
- Jason - touched on the matter of speaking in tongues; he also questioned the order of events in the creation record
- Larry - took part in the discussion
Friday |
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The conditions that existed in the Garden of Eden
- Click [here] to follow along with this discussion in your own absolutely free PDF copy of Book 1, Chapter 5 of Yada's monumental work, "Yada Yah". There is no form to fill out first. Just click the link to save or open the document.
- Genesis 2:9 (click to jump down to footnote) - word by word analysis
- The absolute necessity of Yahowah giving us the choice to reject Him
- A discussion about Yahowah and the concept of micromanagement
- On the tens of thousands of differences between the Masoretic texts and the Qumran Scrolls
- The origin of the much-respected Latin Vulgate
- The indisputably unreliable character of the Christian "New Testament"
Myths Addressed
- Yahowah would never allow His Word to be corrupted
- The English Christian Bible is the inerrant Word of God
- Paul spoke for God
- Larry - joined as a participant
- Jason - shared a story
Friday |
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Exposing Islam
- Special Guest: I.Q. al-Rassooli, author of "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam" and the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam
- A give-and-take about the current situation in Syria
- The BBC is characterized as being the very voice of Islam
- "Jihad", as defined by the Quran, is war and terrorism and slaughter against anyone and everyone who is not a Muslim
- The Quran commands every single Muslim to participate in "Jihad" under penalty of eternal torment in hell's fires
- The Quran commands every single Muslim to slaughter any Muslim who will not take part in "Jihad"
- Because of those indisputable facts, Yada declared, "It is impossible to be a good Muslim and not be a terrorist. All good Muslims are terrorists."
- The USA caused the war in Syria by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan
- Conventional warfare, i.e., the use of bullets and bombs, will never defeat a religion; therefore, going to war against one group of Muslims or the other in Syria would be irrational and irresponsible
Myths Addressed
- The news media worldwide can be trusted to provide us with accurate and truthful reports
- A "jihad" is a personal inner struggle
- We can make things better in the Middle East by bombing people
= יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah
Song / Mizmowr / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and
reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's (
- יהוה) Towrah (torah — teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely
perfect (tamym — without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful,
beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb —
transforming) the soul (nepesh — consciousness).
Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth — restoring and eternal witness) is
trustworthy and reliable ('aman — verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam — educating and
enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy — easy for those who are receptive).
"In the Beginning" / Bare’syth / Genesis 2:9
"Yahowah (
), Almighty (‘elohym), enabled life to sprout up and
grow (samah – initiated and caused life to increase in stature) from
(min – out of) the ground (‘adamah – soil or
earth); all kinds of (kol – many) trees (‘es) which are desirable (hamad – pleasing,
delightful, and pleasurable) in appearance (mar’eh – visually) and good (towb – beautiful and beneficial, agreeable and pleasant) to eat (ma’akal – as food to be consumed). The Tree
(‘es – upright timber) of Lives (chayym –
renewals and restorations, revivals and nurturing, homes and dwelling places where lives are preserved and flourish) was in (ba) the midst (tawek –
middle or center) of the protective enclosure (gar – sheltered, covered, and
defended garden)…"
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:8,9
"Remember (zakar - recall, reflect upon, recognize, mark, memorialize, mention, proclaim, and be earnestly mindful) that the Sabbath (‘eth ha shabat - the seventh day, the time of promise where our debts are settled so we can settle down with Him based upon the oath) day (yowm) is set apart (qodesh - is separated unto God for purifying and cleansing and thus special (piel stem (where the object endures the action) infinitive construct (serving as a verbal noun))).
"Six (shesh - speaking of that which is bleached white or adorned in fine
linen) days (yowmym) you can actually and
continuously work (‘abad - you can labor (qal stem and
imperfect conjugation)) and (wa) you can genuinely engage in the totality of (‘asah - you can do all of,
prepare and produce the full extent of, fashion and finish, advance, assign, and accomplish, institute, celebrate, and
actually act upon (qal stem perfect conjugation)) all
of (kol - the entirety of) your service of representing the Messenger and
proclaiming the message (mala’kah - your usefulness as a spiritual envoy; from mal’ak - spiritual messenger and heavenly envoy)."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:10
"But (wa) the seventh (shaby’y – the solemn promise which fulfills and satisfies those who listen and are observant
of the role of the seventh) day (yowm), the
Sabbath (ha shabat – the seventh day, the time of observance, of rest and reflection,
and of ceasing and desisting from ordinary labor to consider the promise to settle all disputes and settle down with) of (la – associated with so as to approach) Yahowah (
), your God (‘elohym), you should never actually
engage in (lo’ ‘asah – you should not habitually do, consistently prepare
or produce, and you should not consistently fashion or finish, advance or assign, accomplish or act upon (qal stem imperfect conjugation)) any part of (kol) the work of God's Representative and Messenger (mala’kah – from mal’ak, the ministry and mission of the
heavenly envoy, the Divine endeavors and labor of God's corporeal manifestation) yourself (‘atah), your son (ben), your
daughter (bat), your male and female servants and staff (‘ebed wa ‘amah – your employees and those men and women who work for and with you), your means of production (behemah – your animals and beasts of
burden), as well as (wa) those visitors (ger – foreigners) who relationally (‘asher) are in your home, property, or community (ba
sa’ar – are inside an area enclosed by a door or gate, a household, assembly, city, or nation)."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:12
"You should choose to carefully consider, view as worthy, enormously valuable, and significant (kabed - I want you of your own volition to elect to respect and honor, and to perceive as awesomely impressive, intensely relevant, extremely great, and massively important, even glorious so as to influence and engage (written in the piel stem, revealing that our Heavenly Father and Spiritual Mother are influenced by and respond to our perceptions of them, and in the imperative mood, which expresses either a command, an intent, or an exhortation which is subject to volition)) accordingly the symbolism of (‘eth - that which is represented by) your Father (‘ab - biological, adoptive, or heavenly father) and (wa) that which is represented by your (‘eth - the symbolic nature of your) Mother (‘em - biological, adoptive, or spiritual mother) for the purpose of (le’ma’an - for the intent of) continuously lengthening (‘arak - choosing of your own volition to be constantly elongating and always prolonging, growing and continuing (written in the hiphil stem, imperfect conjugation, and paragogic nun ending)) your days (yowm) within and upon the Almighty's (‘al) land (‘adamah - ground; from ‘adam, the name of the first man created in God's image with a nesamah - conscience), which relationally and as a blessing (‘asher), Yahowah (
), your God (‘elohym), has actually given to you (natan la - has literally produced, provided, and genuinely bestowed freely to you as a gift (qal participle))."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:13
"You should not make a habit of killing (lo’ rasah - you should not kill on an ongoing basis (qal imperfect))."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:14
"You should never commit adultery (lo’ na’ap – you should not ever be unfaithful and never have relations with more than one marriage partner)."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:15
"You should never steal (lo’ ganab – you should not ever take something from others without their permission)."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:16
"You should never respond and testify (lo’ ‘anah – you should not
ever question, answer, or make a declaration) against (ba) your neighbor (rea’ – countryman, friend, companion, or associate) as a deceptive or misleading (seqer – false, conniving, clever, mistaken, vain, or
unreliable) witness (‘ed – source of evidence by way of testimony)."
"Names" / Shemowth / Exodus 20:17
"You should not ever desire (lo’ hamad – you should never covet, lust for,
crave, nor seek pleasure from) your neighbor's (rea’ – countryman's,
friend's, companion's, or associate's) house or family (beyth – home and
household). You should never desire (lo’ hamad – you should not ever
covet, lust for, crave, nor seek pleasure from) your neighbor's (rea’ –
countryman's, friend's, companion's, or associate's) wife (‘isah –
woman), nor his male or female servants (‘ebed / ‘amah – employees), his cattle or donkey (sōr –
domesticated animals; read: assets, belongings, and means of production), or
anything (kol) which is associated (‘asher) with (la) your
neighbor (rea’ – countryman, friend, companion, or associate)."
"Salvation" / Hosha’ / Hosea 4:6
"My people (‘am) are completely destroyed and they will perish (damah - they are cut off and will cease to exist (niphal perfect - telling us that the people have actively participated in their own absolute demise)) because of (min - from) a lack of understanding (bely - corrupted information, inadequate knowledge, and deficient discernment). Indeed! Because (ky) you (‘atah) have totally avoided and rejected (ma’as - spurned and despised, literally refused and disdained (qal perfect - revealing that the avoidance was complete and the rejection was literal)) knowledge and understanding (da’at - information and discernment), so then (wa) I will consistently avoid you and reject you (ma’as - I will actually disassociate from you and will rebuff you (qal imperfect)) from serving as priests and ministers (kahan - from acting as counselors and clerics) on My behalf (la - for Me). Since (wa) you have continually ignored (shakah - you have consistently overlooked and literally forgotten, you have lost sight of the significance of and responded improperly to (qal imperfect waw consecutive)) the Teachings, Instructions, Guidance, and Direction of your God (Torah ‘elohym - Your God's Instruction and Teaching, His Source of Guidance and Direction; derived from: tō - God's signed, written, and enduring way of treating people, tur - giving us the means to explore, to seek, to find, and to choose, yarah - the source of instruction, teaching, guidance, and direction that flows from God, which tūb - provides answers to facilitate our restoration and return, even our response and reply to that which is tōb - good, pleasing, beneficial, favorable, healing, and right, and that which causes us to be loved, to become acceptable, and to endure, tahor and tohorah - purifying and cleansing us, thereby tōr - providing us with the opportunity to change our attitude, thinking, and direction toward God), I also (‘any gam) will consistently ignore your children (shakah ben - I will overlook your sons, forget about your children, and view them as worthless)."
"Salvation" / Hosha’ / Hosea 4:7
"So as (ka) they grew and became more powerful (rabab – they became more numerous and influential), so much the more (ken) they missed the way (chata’ – they sinned,
retreated, and went in the wrong direction). They exchanged (muwr – substituted)
their reputation and reward (kabowd – their honor and respect, their glorious
manifestation of power, status, and forthcoming abundance) for (ba) shame (qalown – dishonor and disgrace, ignominy and infamy)."
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