Day |
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Monday |
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News Hour
- Yada discussed the narcissism of United States President Barack Hussein Obama II.
- A reminder that Islamist terrorists are not radicals or extremists. They are simply fundamental Muslims, doing exactly what their pseudo "Prophet" and their "sacred" writings tell them to do.
- How Reuters reporters and others continue to do their dead-level best to fulfill Obama's edict to disassociate Islamic terrorism from Islam.
- Political Correctness dictates that telling the truth is a heinous crime.
Monday |
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Debunking the Myth of Christianity
- Finishing up the detailed inspection of Yaosha's conversation with Nicodemus in Yaochanan (aka John) 3
Tuesday |
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Iran, Obama, and The Bomb (Oh, My!)
Tuesday |
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Debunking the Myth of Christianity
- A close examination of the Hebrew words in Bamidmar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 16:22-27
Wednesday |
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More Islamic Savagery & Idiocy In the News
- Yada: "Muslims and their great 'Prophet' are adept at attacking the defenseless and unarmed."
- Muhammad was not the great warrior and divinely moral statesman Muslims declare him to have been.
- The plain truth on the subject, according to Islam's own literature, is that Muhammad was a hopeless illiterate, a vicious rapist, a blatant child molester, a merciless ambusher, a savage sadist, an unrepentent slaver, a useless layabout, and an all-around evil man. But don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself.
Wednesday |
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Debunking Religious Myths With the Truth
- Continuing to closely examine the Hebrew words in Bamidmar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 16:22-27
- Yada addresses the confusion some of us have with the Hebrew stems, providing a simple, down-to-earth explanation for us Linguistic Dummies.
Thursday |
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Thursday |
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Debunking Religious Myths With the Truth
- Continuing to closely examine the Hebrew words in Bamidmar / In the Wilderness / Numbers 16:22-27
Friday |
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Discussion Regarding Certain News Items (9 minutes)
Torah-Related Conversation (Kirk & Yada)
- Four Hebrew Words That Provide a Comprehensive Summary of Yah's Torah
- Dabar
- Yahowah
- Barak
- Shamar
- Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members. The focus of tonight's discussion is on the so-called Aaronic Blessing. This is a wonderful, informative program.
- Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Monday |
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Kirk & Producer Scott Co-Host
- An encouragement to read Yada's important works, all of which are free:
- Hosea 4:6
- Matthew 19:17
- How religionists have deliberately changed and misrepresented Yahowah's words
Tuesday |
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Kirk & Scott Expose Religious Names & Titles
Wednesday |
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Larry & Scott Explore Yashayah 17 (aka, Isaiah)
- ZacharYah 13:9 (ZacharYah is Hebrew for "Remember Yah")
- The ugly and inexorable horrors of the immediate future between now and 2033
- Coupling the prophecy in Yashayah 17 & 18 to the United States of America
- How Christianity and other religions use deliberate corruptions of Yahowah's words to mislead and control
Thursday |
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Larry & Scott Co-Host Again
- Larry takes aim at the Wolf of Benyamin, aka the Apostle Paul
- The things written by the thief of souls are contrasted with the words of Yahowah and of His Son, Yaosha.
Friday |
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Shattering the Myth of Patriotism (This is a repeat of the Friday, February 27, 2015 program)
- More lies from America's top politicians make the news.
- U.S. Intelligence Director James Clapper declares last year as the deadliest yet for global terrorism, yet Secretary of State John Kerry testifies that the U.S. is winning the war on terror.
- Show me a terrorism so that I'll know what we're at war with. Oh. You can't? Of course not, because terrorism is a tactic; it is not a person or a nation. And you cannot go to war against a tactic. Your government is lying to you, American. Stop denying it!
- Now, it is an indisputable, easily verifiable fact that 99.9% of today's terrorism is perpetrated by fundamental Muslims. So why doesn't the U.S. declare war on every nation whose government is based on Islam? Why haven't we outlawed the practice of Islam in the U.N.? Why isn't it illegal to promote Islam in the U.S. and in other so-called civilized countries?
These links are for today, Friday, 2015-Feb-13.
- Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Larry and Kirk. The focus tonight is on Psalm 119:63.
Friday |
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Exposing the True Nature and Purpose of Islam (This is a repeat of the Friday, February 27, 2015 program)
- Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"
- In Bangladesh today a knife-wielding mob of Muslims hacked a writer to death and critically injured his wife because he likened religion to a highly contagious virus.
- I.Q. and Yada reveal that Islam's most respected source materials report that it was Muhammad's first wife, Khadija, who forced him into manufacturing the criminal enterprise that is Islam.
Monday |
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Reuters, Israel, & Iran Replay of Monday, 02-Mar-2015
- Yada discussed the narcissism of United States President Barack Hussein Obama II.
- A reminder that Islamist terrorists are not radicals or extremists. They are simply fundamental Muslims, doing exactly what their pseudo "Prophet" and their "sacred" writings tell them to do.
- How Reuters reporters and others continue to do their dead-level best to fulfill Obama's edict to disassociate Islamic terrorism from Islam.
- Political Correctness dictates that telling the truth is a heinous crime.
Monday |
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Debunking the Myth of Christianity Replay of Monday, 02-Mar-2015
- Finishing up the detailed inspection of Yaosha's conversation with Nicodemus in Yaochanan (aka John) 3
Tuesday |
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- Benjamin Netanyahu declared, "Whoever moves to establish a Palestinian state or intends to withdraw from territory is simply yielding territory for radical Islamic terrorist attacks against Israel."
- A reminder that there are no sides to Islam:
- There is no radical Islam, and there is no moderate Islam.
- There is one Quran and there is a single set of Hadith.
- There is one Sharia Law and it is unalterable.
- Islam's creator, Muhammad, was not the exmplary moral dignitary and hero warrior his followers make him out to have been. Muhammad was a murderer, a trucebreaker, a pedophile, a slaver, and a rapist. History proves it beyond any doubt.
- Islam was founded as a violent criminal enterprise supporting itself through ambush, terror, murder, and kidnapping for ransom.
- There is not and never has been a nation of Palestine. Check it out. It is an Arab ploy.
Tuesday |
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Discussing the Torah With Kirk
Wednesday |
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- The latest massacre of unarmed civilians by Muslims, this time in Tunisia
- How U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama, a Muslim born to a Muslim father, ignited the so-called Arab Spring, which is in reality the Islamic Reformation that is now smearing the world with the blood of thousands of unarmed victims
- Yada explained yet again why Islam must be outlawed and isolated.
- The woeful condition of America's financial infrastructure
Wednesday |
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Explaining Yahowah's Awesome Covenant
Thursday |
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Worldwide Determination To Wipe Out Israel
Thursday |
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Examining Bamidbar (Numbers) 6:23ff
Friday |
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Exposing the True Nature and Purpose of Islam
- Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"
- How U.S. President Barack Hussein Obama II continues to alienate, antagonize, and challenge Russian President Vladimir Putin
- Why Obama's arrogant mouthing off and pro-Islam policies are pushing the world ever more steadily towards World War III
Friday |
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Examining Bamidbar (Numbers) 6:24 With Kirk
- Yada and Kirk discuss how Yahowah's Paleo-Hebrew characters convey His fatherly message of utter devotion to, and fierce love for, His children. Not to be missed!
- Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members.
- Among the topics discussed is Craig's translation of Mizmore / Song / Psalm 34:1-2.
- 1 Of Dode: repetitively exercising discretion before Abimalek, whom I dismissed and tossed aside. And so he walked away. I will always choose to lift up Yahowah in love, His adoration constantly in my mouth.
- 2 In Yahowah my soul shall boast, continually singing and rejoicing, completely confident,brilliantly radiating and enlightened. Those who respond shall continually listen and actually receive the message. Moreover, they will be glad.
- 1 Of Dode (Dode - from the beloved in love): repetitively (shanah - once again, a second time) exercising discretion (ta'am - demonstrating good judgment and good taste, being discriminating, he was rational and sane) before (paneh - in the presence of) Abimelek ('Abymel'ek - Father of My Message), whom I dismissed and tossed aside (garash - expelled and drove away, separating myself from). And so he walked away (wa halak - then he departed). I will always choose to lift up Yahowah in love (Yahowah kol barak - I totally want to express the virtues of Yahowah while expressing my complete admiration (piel, cohortative, imperfect)), His adoration (tahilal - His renown and reputation) constantly (tamyd - continually) in my mouth (ba peh).
- 2 In (ba - with) Yahowah (Yahowah) my soul (nepesh -my breath, consciousness, unique person and personality) shall boast, continually singing and rejoicing, completely confident, brilliantly radiating and enlightened (halal - shall sing a joyous song, shouts boastfully and joyfully in admiration, illuminated and shining, conveying an uplifting melody in song, and is always confident, extoling the virtues and character; the root denotes the light emerging from heavenly bodies (the hitpa''el stem makes it clear that the subject (Dode's soul) is doing this on her own initiative and is not being forced or compelled, and that her brilliant and uplifting song is designed bring joy to the object (Yahowah); the imperfect conjugation means that the subject (Dode's soul) is constantly singing and is always radiant, confident, and enlightened, while the jussive mood, as an expression of third person volition, indicates that these are things that Dode's soul desires and enjoys doing as a matter of choice)). Those who answer and respond (anaw - those who humbly reply, from 'anah - to answer and to receive answers, to respond in song, to testify and to reply) shall continually listen and actually receive the message (shama' - shall hear, literally understand, genuinely accept, and always receive the instruction (the qal stem reveals that they are literally listening to and genuinely receiving the message while the imperfect conjugation indicates that this is ongoing, and the jussive mood reveals that this is the choice they have made under the auspices of freewill)). Moreover (wa), they will be glad (samah -they will be delighted, outwardly expressing and displaying a joyous attitude, happy and rejoicing).
- The gist is not that Dode was engaging in a praise ceremony, rather that he was taking a stand for Yahowah against Abimalek's personal (Torah-rejecting?) message.
- There is a scene in one of the Marx Brothers movies where Groucho has another fellow tell him over and over again how wonderful he thinks Groucho is. It's hilarious, but it also seems to be how Christians view Yahowah. The truth is, He appreciates that we recognize Him for who and what and how He is, but He doesn't want us squawking compliments and praise at Him all the time. He'd rather we love Him so much that we can't help but tell others about Him.
- Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Monday |
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- How the Church itself is the god of Roman Catholicism
- Important information regarding the Hebrew word, Yo'bel, which literally means "Yah's Lamb" and which religion has changed to "Jubilee"
- Some of the ways the Roman Catholic Church has corrupted the true meanings of Yahowah's Feasts, times, and instructions
- The Roman Catholic Church is shown to be the Beast of the Tribulation, which will begin in the Fall of 2026 C.E.
- The Pope reportedly told a Mexican audience that the Lord chose him. Because "the Lord" is Satan's title, it becomes clearly evident whose servant and agent the Pope really is.
- A judge in Texas censured the Obama Administration for lying to him regarding its immigration policies.
- The bullying and belligerent behavior of police around the U.S.
Monday |
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More On the So-Called "Aaronic Blessing"
- Yada and Kirk attempt to adequately explain the horrible devastation inflicted on mankind by Shaul (Paul) and his monster, Christianity.
Tuesday |
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- Discussion about American values
- Muslims tortured a falsely-accused woman to death in Afghanistan.
- If you miss this part of the program, you'll be denying yourself what could possibly be one of the greatest blessings of your life. It really is that good.
- Right around the 18 minute 30 second mark, Roy called in from Australia to discuss quark confinement and the black hole at the edge of the universe which is baffling scientists worldwide.
- Among the facts which Roy established through scientific means:
- Yahowah exists.
- Yahowah authored the Torah.
- Yahowah can be trusted.
- Yahowah created the universe in 6 24-hour days.
- Our universe is roughly 14.75 billion years old.
- It is impossible for Yahowah to be omnipresent; His presence here in our 3-dimensional construct would destroy everything due to the overwhelming intensity of His energy.
- Time is most likely Dimension 0.
- Sheol is probably limited to the dimension of time and has no length, breadth, or height.
Tuesday |
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Talking About the Things of Yah
- 1st 15 minutes - continuing the discussion of Yahowah from a mathematician's perspective
- Taking a fresh look at Yahowah's Feast of Passover
Wednesday |
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Discussing Yahowah's Characteristics
Thursday |
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This, That, & Another
- Comparing economic schemes (even though they "are all corrupt and cannot be fixed")
- Prisoner swap which freed 5 known Muslim mass murderers in exchange for a single American deserter
- Germanwings co-pilot deliberately crashed Airbus A320 into the French Alps, killing all 150 on board
- Reminding the world of how Muslims commit mass murder by, among other things, crashing passenger planes
- Another reminder that Islam encourages Muslims to dishonor their treaties with non-Muslims
- See Quran 9:3 and 66:2
- See Bukhari 49:857; 50:369; 52:269
- The social poison of Political Correctness
- The dangerous consequences of not holding people accountable for their actions
- How the U.S. is caught in the middle of the Muslim vs. Muslim war between Saudi Arabia (Sunni Islam) and Iran (Shia Islam)
Thursday |
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Discussing Yahowah's Characteristics
Friday |
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Yahowah's Plan of Familial Relationship, Part 1
- Click here for this evening's BlogTalkRadio® Shabat Torah discussion program with Yada and other Family members as they discuss the superiority of understanding Yahowah's instructions over just knowing them.
- Click here to look at a plain text archive of the chat room log for this evening's Shabat Torah Study program.
Friday |
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Exposing the True Nature and Purpose of Islam
- Special Guest Host: I.Q. al Rassooli, the world's foremost expert on the religion of Islam, and author of the 3 volume set, "Lifting the Veil: The True Faces of Muhammad and Islam"
- Absurdly, the Director of Homeland Security equated the words of Dr. Martin Luther King with the words of the Quran.
- Dr. King was the epitome of non-violence; Islam is the epitome of savage violence.
- Those whom Muslims cannot bribe into submission, they threaten into submission.
Monday |
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Islam's Aggressive Dogma of Terror In Today's News
- Islamic law is diametrically opposed to international law.
- On how Muhammad authorized lying to non-Muslims.
- On official Islamic examples of Muhammad endorsing and ordering the merciless slaughtering of everyone who dared to speak out against him.
- On reports that Hillary Rodham Clinton deliberately wiped her email server in an ongoing effort to cover up the Obama administration's prior knowledge of the pending murder of Americans in the 2012 Benghazi, Libya Embassy.
- A careful and thorough examination of the Islamic cry of "Allah u akbar!"
- Bangladeshi blogger publicly hacked to death over the weekend by students from local Islamic university for publishing the fact that only idiots would follow Muhammad.
Monday |
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Yahowah's Plan of Familial Relationship, Part 2
- Continuing to examine Yahowah's Feast of Passover (Pesach in Hebrew)
- Names / Shemowth / Exodus 12:1 & 2
Tuesday |
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Mindless Muslim Violence Continues Around the World
Tuesday |
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Yahowah's Plan of Familial Relationship, Part 3
- Continuing to examine Yahowah's Feast of Passover (Pesach in Hebrew)
- Names / Shemowth / Exodus 12:1 & 2