Tips For Watching
"Math Unveils The Truth! The
Towrah Was Given By a Supreme Being!"
on YouTube®
The video "Math Unveils the Truth! The Towrah Was Given By A Supreme Being!" contains some wonderful revelations from science and the world of mathematics. However, as with everything presented by religious folks, this video tries to cram their dishonest and misinformed claptrap down our throats. This video's producer would have us accept it as fact that the Jews are to be credited with bringing us the Towrah.
So, while viewing this admittedly marvelous movie, you may want to consider the following corrections and clarifications to the commentary. I would like to thank Jacquelyn, an anonymous and tirelessly helpful sister in Yahowah's Covenant Family, for helping me organize these thoughts.
- Bare'syth, which means "In the beginning", is the name of the first section of the Towrah. It is not Genesis, which is a Greek word. The Towrah, Prophets, and Writings were written in Hebrew and, in a few places, Aramaic. Yahowah's people spoke Hebrew and Aramaic, with only the most cosmopolitan of them lowering their standards to speak the language of Greece, a nation and people Yahowah clearly abhorred.
- The Hebrew word qodesh means "set apart", not holy, which is a religious term. Everything and everyone important to Yahowah is set apart to Him.
- Yahowah's instructions and the record of how they came to us are called the Towrah, which literally means "teaching, instruction, and guidance for living." They are NOT the bible.
- The ancient city of Byblos in Phoenicia was named after the sun-goddess, Byblis, also known as Byble. Byblis was the granddaughter of Ra (Amen Ra) and was eventually inducted into Roman mythology as a descendant of Apollo.
- According to "Bell's New Pantheon", Byblia was also the name of Venus, and thus she must be equated with Ishtar, the Babylonian Queen of Heaven and Mother of God, for whom Easter was named. This connection is affirmed in "An Illustrated Dictionary of Classical Mythology" and also in "Crowell's Handbook of Classical Mythology."
- Therefore, considering the title's heritage, "Bible" is a horrible designation for Yahowah's Word.
- Yahowah tells us the Towrah is His. It is NOT the Jewish Towrah!
- "…after those days," declares Yahowah, "I will actually give My Towrah, completely providing and producing My Teaching and Instruction, putting Her within their inner nature. And upon their heart will I write Her. And I will be God to them and for them, and they shall be family to Me and for Me."
(Yermiyahu / Yah lifts up / Jeremiah 31:33) - (Amplified) - "…after (ahar - following) those days (ha yom
hem - that time)," declares (ne'um - speaks, as in divine utterance) Yahowah (
- yhwh), "I will actually give My Towrah, completely providing and producing My Teaching and Instruction, putting Her (natan 'eth Towrah - "I will reliably bestow and totally devote My Direction and My Guidance as a gift, putting Her" (here the qal stem affirms that this will actually occur and the perfect conjugation tells us that the gift of the Towrah will be whole and complete, indivisible and uninterruptible throughout time)) within their inner nature (ba qereb -internally, inside their person, within their core and midst, becoming part of their psychological makeup, thoughts, and emotions). And (wa) upon (al - as the Almighty concerning) their heart (leb - speaking of their source of life, and the seat of love, volition, feelings, attitude, and character), I will actually write Her (katab - "I will genuinely engrave and inscribe Her" (written in the qal relational stem, telling us that we can rely upon this occurring, and in the imperfect conjugation, affirming that it will produce ongoing results throughout time, with the first person singular prefix, saying that Yahowah Himself will be doing the writing, and with the third person feminine singular suffix, telling us that it is the Towrah, which is a feminine noun, which will be inscribed)). And (wa) I shall be (hayah -'I will always, reliably, and without interruption or exception, be (qal stem perfect conjugation)) God ('elohym) to and for them (la la), and (wa) they, themselves (hem), shall be (hayah -they will always and reliably exist, eternally receiving the complete benefits of (qal relational stem affirming the genuineness of this promise, and imperfect conjugation which tells us that there will be ongoing and unfolding assistance and advantages associated with being considered)) to and for Me as (la la) family ('am)."
(Yirmayahu / Yah lifts up / Jeremiah 31:33)
- Dode (dod /dod/ - beloved) did not have a "Star of David."
- "You should not continue to associate yourself with a carved image or idol, or any visual representation of something which is in the heavens above, or which is on the earth below, or in the waters beneath the land.
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 20:4) - (Amplified) - "You should not continue to associate yourself with
(lo 'ashah la - you should not make a practice of attending to, acting upon, engaging with, or profiting
from, you should not continually conceive or fashion on your behalf (qal imperfect -conveying a literal
interpretation and ongoing implications)) a carved image or idol (pesel -
religious icon or object of worship representing any god), or any (kol) visual representation of something (tamunah - likeness, appearance, picture,
drawing, painting, or form which depicts or resembles anything) which is ('asher) in (ba) the heavens
above (shamaym min ma 'al - the spiritual realm on high including the sun, moon, planets, and
stars above), or (wa) which is ('asher) on (ba) the earth ('erets - land and ground, even the material realm) below (tahath), or (wa) which is ('asher) in (ba) the waters
(mayim) beneath the land (tahath 'erets).
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 20:4)
- It is Yahowah's Towrah. It is NOT the Jewish "bible".
(See #4, above) - Rabbis replaced the Hebrew character wah (English vowels "o" or "u") with the made-up character vav (English consonant "v"), even though the number value remained the same. There is no "v" in Hebrew, Yahowah's language. The rabbis do not want us to use Yahowah's Name! Those most wicked of the wicked will stop at nothing to press their agenda of forcing us to submit to their Talmud. Yahowah rebuke them.
- It is Yahowah's Towrah. It is NOT the Hebrew "bible".
(See #3, above) - The term "Big Bang" was actually the term Yahowah originally used in His record of the Creation. Scientists swell themselves and strut like Tom turkeys, thinking they have come up with a wonderful idea of their own, and that irony is certainly not lost on Yahowah. Here's the actual record:
- "And the material realm existed as a formless, orderless, and empty void, and darkness was before the presence of the big bang."
(Bare'syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:2) - (Amplified) - "And the material realm ('erets -
the physical world and the natural substance of which the universe is comprised) existed (hayah) as a formless (tohu - in a state of lifeless confusion,
as something which would dissipate into nothingness without energy added), orderless, and empty void (bohu - a deserted and unoccupied space, desolate of life), and darkness (chosek - ignorance and obscurity, without light) was before ('al - along with) the presence (paneh - face and
appearance) of the big bang (tahom - great commotion from the inaccessible and
mysterious depths (descriptive of the Abyss); from hum: that which is deeply anxious, agitated,
perplexed, loud and distracting)."
(Bare'syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:2)
- The so-called "Oral Law" is a contrivance of the religion of Judaism. Before it was written down and named the "Talmud", this man-made abomination was recited by the rabbis as their personal, improved, and superior interpretation of Yahowah's Towrah (teaching, instruction, guidance) "for the people" because the people,
according to the conceited claims of the rabbis (which means "Exalted Master"), could not possibly understand their
Creator without them, the rabbis! Recall that it was recorded that in Yahowsha's day the rabbis growled about those who embraced Yahowsha as Yahowah's promised Prophet, "These people who do not know the Law are cursed!"
The Talmud is the foundation of the religion of Judaism. Religious "Towrah-observant" Yahudim ("Jews") are really obedient slaves of the Talmud's laws; they are far removed from Yahowah and His true Teachings and Instructions.
Moreover, there is no "j" or sound for "j" in Hebrew, Yahowah's language. In fact, that holds true for Greek and Latin, too! The letter "j" and the sound for the letter "j" is only about 500 years old. Look it up and learn that this is unarguably true. Therefore, even the word "Jew" is only about 500 years old. Prior to that they were known as Yahudim. - The Towrah record of the Creation Events does not say that Yahowah made the sun and the moon on the fourth day! What the Towrah says is that the sun and moon appeared on the fourth day as the earth's atmosphere cleared. Here's the testimony:
- "God said, 'There shall be lights in the expanse of the heavens to divide day from night. And let them exist as symbols and signs for the appointed symbolic meeting places and
times, for days, and for years.'"
(Bare'syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:14) - (Amplified) - "God ('elohym) said ('amar), 'There shall be lights ('or
- luminaries) in the expanse of the heavens (shamaym) to
divide (badal -separate and set apart) day from night. And let them exist as
symbols and signs ('oth - signals, distinguishing markers, and remembrances; non-verbal
representations which have meaning; illustrations, examples, and metaphors which make something more clearly known; an accounting
used in evaluating recompense and reward; communicative standards; an ensign at the end of an upright pole conveying the leader's
message to his followers) for the appointed symbolic meeting places and times (mo'ed
- the designated periods which are related to others for a specific purpose authorized by the Authority; the set-apart
celebrations of communion), for days, and for years (sanah - as a measure of
(Bare'syth / In the Beginning / Genesis 1:14)
- Mo'ed (Mow'ed in the lexicons, to remind us that the Hebrew wah is the vowel being used), meaning appointed meeting time and place, Chag, meaning celebratory festival feast, and Miqra', meaning called-out meetings, represent the three titles Yahowah uses in Qara' / Called Out / Leviticus to describe His seven scheduled appointments with mankind. He introduced the first of these terms, mo'ed, on the fourth day of the creation account. He was revealing that something—or more accurately, Someone—associated with Light would serve as an 'oth / 'oθ /, i.e. a signal with regard to the mo'ed, or "appointed meetings", inferring that the first of these would be fulfilled in conjunction with mankind's fourth millennium. Recall that "A thousand years is as a day in Your eyes," so that day 4 of the Creation Event also corresponds to the 4th 1,000 year long Day of Man. That time frame includes the lifetime of Yahowsha, the promised Prophet, who fulfilled the mo'ed miqra' of Pesach / Passover in 33 CE. You can learn more about this in Chapter 3 of Book 1 of Yada's masterpiece, "Yada Yah".
- Dabarim / Words / Deuteronomy 4:39
Yahowah did NOT inspire Moseh to write this vomitous KJV trash: "Know therefore this day, and consider it in thine heart that the Lord, he is God in heaven above and upon the earth beneath: there is none else."
No, He did not! Rather, He introduces Himself as Yahowah, and He takes pains to make sure that we understand that He considers this to be His one and only Name.
- "And God conveyed all of these words, providing perspective in our presence, saying, 'I am Yahowah, your God, who relationally brought you out and delivered you from the realm of the crucible of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall not exist with other gods in relation to My presence.'
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 20:1-3) - (Amplified) - "And (wa) God ('elohym) conveyed (dabar) all of (kol) these words (dabar), providing perspective ('eleh) in our presence ('eth), saying ('amar), 'I am ('anky) Yahowah (יהוה - yhwh / 'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /), your God ('elohym), who relationally ('asher)
brought you out and delivered you (yasa') from the realm (min 'erets) of the crucible of Egypt (mitsraym), out of the house (min beyth) of slavery ('ebed). You shall not exist with (lo' hayah la) other ('aher) gods ('elohym) in relation to ('al) My
presence (paneh).'"
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 20:1-3) - "And moreover, God said to Moseh, 'This is what you should say to the children of Isra'el, "Yahowah, God of your fathers, God of Abraham, God of Itzchaq, and God of Ya'akob, He sent me to you. This is My Name forever. And this is My way of being known and remembered for all places, times, and generations."'"
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 3:15) - (Amplified) - "And (wa) moreover ('od - besides this and in addition), God ('elohym - Almighty) said ('amar - declared) to ('el) Moseh (Moseh - from mashah, the one who would draw us away from human oppression and divine judgment), 'This is what (koh) you should say ('amar - promise and declare (also scribed in the qal imperfect)) to ('el) the Children of Isra'el (beny
ysra'el - the children who strive, contend, and struggle with, who engage, persist, and endure with, who persevere with,
and who are set free and empowered by, God), "Yahowah (יהוה - yhwh / 'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /), God ('elohym) of your fathers ('ab), God
('elohym) of Abraham (Abraham - loving,
enriching, and merciful father), God ('elohym) of Itzchaq
(Ytzchaq - laughter), and God ('elohym) of Ya'akob (Ya'aqob - One who supplants and digs in his heels),
He sent me (salah -He has reached out and extended Himself to actually dispatch me (in the qal perfect, revealing that this act of God is indivisible, whole, complete, and valid throughout all
time)) to you ('el). This is (zeh) My Name (shem - My personal and proper designation
(scribed in the singular construct form, making Yahowah inseparable from His one and only shem - name)) forever (la 'olam - for all time and into
eternity). And (wa) this is (zeh) My way of being known and remembered (zeker - My
status and renown, My way of being mentioned and recalled, My commemoration and memorial, My inheritance right, symbol, sign, and
signature) for (la) all places, times, and
generations (dor dor)."'"
(Shemoth / Names / Exodus 3:15)
- Yes, indeed, God has a Name, and He makes it quite clear that it is the only Name by which He wishes to be remembered. That Name is Yahowah / 'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /. It is written 7,000 times in the Towrah, Prophets and Psalms.
- On the other hand, "The Lord" is a title
that Yahowah gave to ha Satan (the Adversary, which is yet another
title), whose real name is Halal ben Shakar. In fact, the Hebrew words for
"The Lord" are ha ba'al. If you are a Christian, you might
recognize that as part of the term the Pharisees used to disparage Yahowsha when
they haughtily declared, "He casts out demons by Ba'alzebub, the
Prince of demons!" Ba'alzebub is Hebrew for "Lord of the
flies", and the Pharisees made it clear that they understood the title to be referring to Halal ben Shakar.
So what did that just tell us? It told us that everyone who refers to Yahowah as "the Lord" is spitting in His face. So it isn't any wonder that Yahowsha unequivocally declared, "No one who calls me 'Lord, Lord' will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven." That's really, really important. - ha Satan's ambition was to rise above The Most High and to lord over mankind.
- "I, Allah, will wrongfully ascend above Almighty God. Concealed and worshiped among the idols in the highest places, I will therefore cause myself to be compared to and to resemble the Most High."
(Yasha'yahu / Yah Saves / Isaiah 14:14 - (Amplified) - "I, Allah, will wrongfully ascend above ('alah - I will unjustly deviate from the way, withdrawing from, and rising above) Almighty
God ('al). Concealed and worshiped among the idols in the highest places
('ab - hidden and venerated as a deity in the shadows by the highest clouds), I will
therefore cause myself to be compared to and to resemble (damah la - make myself appear like)
the Most High ('elyon - God Almighty, the Most Great and thus Greatest)."
(Yasha'yahu / Yah Saves /Isaiah 14:14
- Satan's strategy is to conceal his actual nature, disguising himself to appear as one whom mankind could be persuaded is actually their Creator. If he can convince men and women to worship him, then he will have succeeded. And sure enough, lurking behind the idolatrous images which festoon humankind's religious establishments, Satan is indeed venerated as a deity. Rather than disclose his actual nature, he has positioned himself as the object of worship, and thus makes himself appear as if he were the Most High. It is detestable, especially since our true Creator, Yahowah, has no need or desire to be worshiped.
- God did inspire Moseh to write:
- "And you should acknowledge and respect this day , and you should return your heart to God, because indeed, Yahowah is the Almighty God in the heavens above and the earth below. There is no other."
(Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 4:39) - (Amplified) - "And (wa) you should acknowledge and respect (yada' - you should be familiar with, be aware of, care about, and understand) this day (ha yom), and you should return (sub) your heart (leb) to God ('el), because, indeed (ky - truthfully and reliably), Yahowah (יהוה - yhwh / 'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /), He is the Almighty God (hu' ha 'elohym) in (ba) the heavens (ha shamaym - the spiritual realm) above (min ma' al -from on high) and (wa) the earth (ha 'erets - the material realm) below (tahat). There is no other ('ayn 'od)."
(Dabarym / Words / Deuteronomy 4:39)
- In viewing the movie, "Math Unveils the Truth! The Towrah Was Given By a Supreme Being!", we were presented with another precious nugget of insight as to why Yahosha (Yahosha' - Yah saves - the diminished corporeal manifestation of Yahowah set apart from Him to do the work required to save us) said that every part of every Hebrew letter which comprises every word written in the Towrah will remain valid "until heaven and the earth pass away." The Towrah Teaching was not only designed with instruction and guidance to take us from our world to Yahowah's home, but its every letter/number was incorporated into making a universe that is in perfect alignment to sustain the Creator's creation so each of us can choose to walk His Path with Him to His home.
- "Do not assume that I have come to weaken, dismantle, invalidate, or abolish the Towrah or the Prophets. I have not come to do away with it, but instead to completely fulfill it. Truly I say to you, till Heaven and the Earth pass away, not one yad or tittle shall be passed by from that which was established in the Towrah until the time and place it all happens."
(Mattanyah / Yah Gives / Matthew 5:17,18) - (Amplified) - "Do not (me) assume (nomizo - suppose or acknowledge, following as a custom or tradition) that (hoti) I have come (erchomai - have arrived and appeared) to weaken, dismantle, invalidate, or abolish (kataluso - loosen, tear down, or dissolve, put an end to, do away with, or annul) the Towrah (nomos - nourishment which is bestowed to be possessed and used by heirs, precept which was apportioned, established, and is received as a means to be proper and approved, prescription to become an heir; from nemo - that which is provided, assigned, and distributed to heirs to nourish them) or the Prophets (prophetes - those who spoke for God). I have not come to do away with (kataluso - invalidate or abolish) it, but instead (alla - on the other hand) to completely fulfill it (pleroo)."
"Truly (amein - this is reliable and trustworthy) I say (lego - affirm and convey meaning with these words) to you, till (hoes) heaven (ouranos) and the earth (ges) pass away (parerchomai), not (ou) one (heis) yad (yad / yod in Hebrew) nor tittle (keraia - the top stroke, or horn, of Hebrew letters) shall be passed by (parerchomai - be ignored, be disregarded) from (apo) that which was established in the Towrah (nomos - allotment which is parceled out, inheritance which is given, nourishment which is bestowed to be possessed and used, precept which was apportioned, established, and is received as a means to be proper and approved, rule or prescription to become an heir; from nemo - that which is provided, assigned, and distributed to heirs to nourish them) until the time and place (hoes) it all (pas) happens (ginomai - comes to exist and takes place, is manifest in public in the context of history)."
(Mattanyah / Yah Gives / Matthew 5:17,18)
- Now that you have been informed of the facts, here once again is the link to that video:
= יהוה = ee-ah-oh-ah = Yahowah / 'iɑ∙o∙wɑ /
Song / Mizmor / Psalm 19:7
Yahowah's Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning and restoring the soul. Yahowah's testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded and receptive.
Yahowah's () Towrah (torah – teaching, guidance, direction, and instruction) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, genuine, right, helpful, beneficial, and true), returning and restoring (suwb – transforming) the soul (nepesh – consciousness). Yahowah's testimony ('eduwth – restoring and eternal witness) is trustworthy and reliable ('aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening oneself to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded and receptive (pethy – easy for those who are receptive).